Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance is a set of guidelines and principles provided to ensure that the company is directed and controlled in a goal-oriented manner to add value to your company and consequently benefitting your stakeholders in the long term. The need for proper business ethics and corporate governance framework has intensified due to growing competition amongst businesses in all economic sectors at the national as well as international level.

How our services can benefit you?

Our Corporate Governance services include a comprehensive list of services that can help your company to establish and maintain good corporate governance practices. Our extensive knowledge and experience of working on different type of corporate governance practices put us in a position to help our clients handle its regulatory and compliance requirements in this area.

We help in meeting the regulatory and compliance requirements specified under Clause 49 of the Listing agreement or as required under the Companies Act 2013 or any other  compliance requirement applicable to you. With a strong corporate governance framework in place, your board and different stakeholders will get a clear picture of how the board and its various committees are performing and to see if there are areas for improvement. 

Our key services

Corporate governance framework set up

Board and committee charters, policies and procedures

KPIs and guidelines for Board and Committees

Policies for code of ethics, conflict of interest, disclosure etc.

Board and Committee effectiveness monitoring and compliance assessment